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Love you to death MOD (18+)  

Upload: 09 Apr 2022, 14:10
Created by: necrodog [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Love you to death MOD (18+)

Hello. i have finished this MOD where your sims can have good time with corpses from the slab or the gravestone, and also they can kill and woohoo a sim iteraction. To use the slab and the gravestone I suggest to install cannibal MOD v2 because they are referenced from there. Also if your sim can get pregnant, a new iteraction for the slab is displayed “Get pregnant from corpse” and they will get babies from corpses. Hope you will like.

The slab and gravestone are located at:

Function—>decorative—>Sculpts.    From the cannibal MOD v2

It is recommended to install together with the Cannibal mod.

Ring Up Customers at Register 72.2 KB

Ring Up Customers at Register NSFW

21 Apr 2022

This mod brings all the "Ring me Up" customers in one spot... the cash register. And they wait for you there, in line. And even better, you can actually ring them up using the cash register instead of the tablet.

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