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Enlist in War Mod (01.08.2023)  

Upload: 10 Apr 2022, 12:21
Last updated: 2-08-2023, 16:31
Created by: kuttoe [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Enlist in War Mod (01.08.2023)

This mod adds a new self-interaction to Sims to allow them to enlist in a war. This mod was designed with the Decades Challenge in mind to simplify the process of sending Sims to war during certain time periods, and avoid using cowplants or debug cheats to do the deed. Even if you aren't playing the challenge rules, this mod can also be used for storytelling and roleplay purposes. 

How To Use

To use this feature, click the active Sim (Teen to Adult) navigate to the "Actions..." menu, where you will find an option to "Register for the Draft". A 24 hour moodlet will be added to your Sim with a countdown for when they have to ship out. You can choose this option again while the countdown is active to leave immediately. Once the countdown is up, they will leave the lot for several hours and the game will decide their fate.


Sims have a 50% chance to live or die. Sims who survive will be given the Veteran trait, which gives them a $600 weekly pension but may also cause negative moodlets randomly.  Sims who die will keel over in front of the active house, so you do have an opportunity to plead with the Reaper or let Spellcaster familiars to save them. Sims who are spared in this way will still be given the Veteran trait.


Spanish (thanks, HareShake!)
French (thanks,  Candyman!)
German (thanks, nightlock and LittleDog1002!)
Polish (thanks, Adremi!)
Russian (thanks, AnnieHugss!)
Chinese (thanks, Tina and ttchubb!)
Portuguese (thanks, ju_averaldo!)
Italian (thanks, ISY!)
Czech (thanks, Celine!)

Soap Making Station 8 MB

Soap Making Station

11 Apr 2022

Meet a new exciting and interesting hobby for your characters! Natural soap that you can use, decorate your home and even sell! Down with purchased soap, we are for ecology and natural ingredients! Oh, and the shapes, types, and scents of the soap will make you love this mod!

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