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Healthcare Redux 10.8.3 (01.01.2025) 

Upload: 18 Mar 2022, 12:23
Last updated: 2-01-2025, 17:08
Created by: adeepindigo [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 10.8.3
Edit Reason: Updated - 2-01-2025, 17:08 » [PLGDante]
Healthcare Redux 10.8.3 (01.01.2025)

Modular system (pick and choose your features), new deaths, improved appointment/doctor system, more insurance options, better compatibility, and tons of bugfixes and improvements. 

Please note: there is now only a single version but it should be tweaked to be usable by all those who play regular lifespans, long lifespans, and rotationally!

New Deaths

You asked and I have delivered. There is a rare chance that your sims can die from:

  • Allergic Shock (Anaphylaxis) after being stung by a bee if they are allergic
  • Postpartum Hemorrhage after giving birth
  • Sepsis during surgery if your sim has Appendicitis 

Insurance Changes

It seems not everyone wants an unfair and bureaucratic insurance system like the one in America. What?! I made some changes and additions to the insurance feature. There's now an option in the Healthcare Services phone menu to choose and review insurance plans.

When you load the mod, as before, in a household where at least one sim has a career, the family will have health insurance. What kind depends as there are now four insurance plans. Sims can also opt out of insurance and choose to pay their bills. Sims who lose their job have 36 hours to find a new one before they loose their coverage. When sims join a new job they will get the best insurance available to their household. 

Free Universal Insurance

Universal Healthcare Insurance will cover all medical expenses, with the exception of medications on which there is a small discount. This health insurance will not expire when a sim looses their job. It can only be removed by opting out of insurance or choosing another plan. 

Basic Insurance

This will be a good insurance but not the best. All careers who do not automatically get the other insurances will have basic insurance, including freelancers and business owners. You can stick with your basic insurance or you can upgrade to premium insurance. 

Premium Insurance

So-called white collar jobs will start off with this insurance. Those with basic insurance can upgrade to premium insurance. Those with premium insurance can save some money by downgrading to basic insurance. Premium insurance costs more but appointments and hospital visits cost less as do medications.

Automatic Premium Insurance Careers: Doctor, Lawyer, Business, Salaryperson, Education

Public Servant/Government Insurance

Like in life, government workers get separate and generally good insurance rates (better than basic and premium) but you have to work in one of those jobs, you can't opt into it. This insurance offers the best rates on appointments, hospital costs, and medications.

Government Insurance Careers: Military, Activist, Secret Agent, Detective, Astronaut, Civil Designer

Better Compatibility

Discover University and Snowy Escape are no longer required or needed. The mod has additional compatibility with Kuttoe's Lifetime Quirks. There's also been a lot of file cleanup to help make the mod smaller and run better. Healthcare Redux is compatible with my GTW Health Overhaul but if they are both installed, HCR will take over for all addon modules. You cannot mix and match modules. I might rethink that in the future but that's what makes the most sense right now. 

Other Mod Changes

  • Malaria is no longer a deadly disease. It has been replaced by bacterial Meningitis. 
  • Disease prevalence has been tweaked to be more consistent with game timings so your sims will get sick less often and there's a longer temporary immunity between illnesses
  • NPCs will not be roaming the world sick with illnesses unless your sims pass it on to them. 
  • All illnesses have three stages of their illness. Each stage will each have a corresponding buff that will tell you what they are from. This is only available once your sim has been diagnosed.
  • Viral diseases now last for 1.5 days, bacterial diseases for 2 days, and deadly diseases for 3 days to better accommodate rotational players
  • The entire doctor visit system was completely reworked to better facilitate your sims being able to go to their doctor visits. This should be result in much better flow.
  • There's no longer an option to use sick leave. If you wish to use sick leave for doctor visits or when sick from work/school, you must call in sick to work/school on the phone. 
  • Vaccines are no longer forever. After your sim has been vaccinated, they will lose their immunization's potency after time. They will then need to be vaccinated again. Vaccination still only works against deadly diseases; they can still get other diseases. 
  • Added more small cues in notifications to help distinguish the mod from other mods. 
  • Added allergy shot for those who suffer from allergies

Modular System

Healthcare Redux is now modular. You may pick and choose the systems from the mod that you want. Don't want the new illnesses? Don't download them! Want pregnancy complications only? Download the Pregnancy module. This was a big undertaking but from now on it should not only allow you to customize your saves and experiences but will also help me with updating and maintaining the system.

The system is now split into eight separate parts. You can pick and choose which features you want from the mod. Choose all or one.

  • Core - All parts of the mod needs the core. It is required for the rest of the mod to work
  • Allergies - If you want your sim to be able to develop allergies.
  • Conditions - If you want your sim to be able to develop chronic conditions.
  • Disease - If you want all of the new illnesses from this mod, you must install this module.
  • Death Disabler - If you do not want your active sims to die from their diseases, you can install this optional package. If you want your sims to be able to die, leave this out.
  • Injuries - If you want your sim to be able to get mild and serious injuries.
  • Pregnancy - If you want your sim to be able to attend prenatal and postpartum care, develop pregnancy complications, and have a realistic postpartum.

NOTE: You still need the Mood Pack and the functional items and general pie menus (attached).


Father Winter Career

Father Winter Career

19 Jul 2023

Just in time for Christmas! Assuming you're reading this around December. If you're reading this on it's release date it's nowhere near Christmas, actually.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. S
    Samuel [Guests]
    2 February 2025 01:56

    please update to v10.8.4

  2. A
    And [Guests]
    1 February 2025 17:42

    New version, please

  3. G
    Guest Maria [Guests]
    1 October 2024 07:24

    Patreon Version v10.7, please

  4. PLGDante
    PLGDante [Moderator]
    31 August 2024 13:49


  5. G
    Guest Maria [Guests]
    31 August 2024 13:41

    Patreon Version v10.6, please

  6. J
    Jack [Guests]
    3 July 2024 23:21

    Patreon Version v10.4 please

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      4 July 2024 12:10


  7. X
    Xavier [Guests]
    3 June 2024 03:42


    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      11 June 2024 09:12


  8. G
    Guest Maria [Guests]
    27 March 2024 07:41

    Please update to 9.2 and also upload the Personal Care Services mod

  9. H
    Hollz [Guests]
    1 March 2024 17:44

    Please update to 9.1 :) 

  10. 2
    222 [Guests]
    8 January 2024 00:16

    Подскажите. для какой версии игры мод Healthcare Redux 8.3 ( у вас написано, что вы его обновили Обновлено: Сегодня, 15:19 ). Но непонятно для какой версии игры, так как вы ничего об это не написали. Среди нас есть и те, кто не может угадать или предвидеть, что вы имеете в виду. Есть также новички, которые не разбираются в версиях мода и не могут сопоставить или вычислить к какой версии игры подойдёт это обновление. Если вас это обижает, что я вам задаю вопросы, можете меня заблокировать. Но считаю, что админы могли бы и конкретизировать с какой версии игры, будет совместима обновлённая вами версия мода.

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      8 January 2024 08:37

      Hello. Usually the mod is compatible with the latest version of the game, 1.103. But it can also be compatible with previous versions of the game.

  11. G
    Guest Maria [Guests]
    31 December 2023 07:45
    Quote: Guest Maria
    please update the patreon version 

  12. S
    Stephen [Guests]
    12 December 2023 07:59

    plese update this mod to the patreon version pleaseeeee

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      13 December 2023 16:12


      1. Л
        Лео [Guests]
        31 December 2023 18:33

        Здравствуйте. Подскажите, этот мод обновлён ? Если нет, обновите пожалуйста. И есть ли в нём

        перевод , или его надо качать отдельно ? И ГДЕ У ВАС СЫЛКА к этому моду. Я новичок и не знаю

        как искать

        перевод на вашем сайте к конкретному моду.   Название мода, о котором я

        пишу : Мод «Новая система здравоохранения или Healthcare Redux 6.7» от adeepindigo для Sims 4

        Пожалуйста напишите ответ. 

    2. Л
      Лео [Guests]
      31 December 2023 18:35

      Здравствуйте. Подскажите, этот мод обновлён ?  И есть ли в нём

      перевод , или его надо качать отдельно ? И ГДЕ  СЫЛКА к этому моду. Я новичок и не знаю

      как искать

      перевод на  сайте к конкретному моду.   Название мода, о котором я 

      пишу : Мод «Новая система здравоохранения или Healthcare Redux 6.7» от adeepindigo для Sims 4

  13. G
    Guest Maria [Guests]
    12 December 2023 07:22

    please update the patreon version