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Skeletons of some really weird creatures  

Upload: 24 Oct 2023, 16:11
Created by: Xetto [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Skeletons of some really weird creatures

Halloween-themed spooks. I'm sure they will fit just right in a haunted house attraction, or some cryptozoologist's basement museum. Those things were made from the skeleton that came with Get To Work.

Hay Bales

Hay Bales

27 Jul 2023

New Meshes, New Textures BGC 2 swatches per, one normal hay and one alfafa hay Free to recolor & Include mesh w/ credit

Sugar Rush set 21 MB

Sugar Rush set

05 Sep 2022

Hi luvs, hope you enjoy all these cuties I made for you, Molang coffee, cat pancakes, lovely choco cake and an adorable sign to leave shoes out of the house (sign requires snowy escape pack to be functional)

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