Elsa Frozen 2
This is Elsa from Frozen 2 specifically. She was originally made by Anukuxhaus (credit to him for the original real looking Elsa).
I modified her facial features making it slightly more slender and eyes smaller (less animated looking), added presets, sliders, skin details, and made her more realistic.
She is the sexy Elsa we all wanted. Have fun and Let it go... into the unknown.
- The sliders used help to give Elsa her slender figure; but if you already have sliders in your game they may interact or not work appropriately. If you choose not to install the sliders that come with Elsa, I'd recommend at least installing Obscurus Pupil Size slider to get the correct size eyes and pupils.
- I do use the pancake color slider in my game but it's optional if you use it. Some color's might change on Elsa's clothing without it. https://www.patreon.com/posts/color-sliders-62823244
-Under the create a walk style mod in game, I used create a custom walk style and "feminine slow" walk since she can transport anywhere as a spell caster.