Functional Chastity Gameplay Mod 1.3.2
Finally! Functional Chastity gameplay for the sims! There has been chastity cage CC added in the sims forever, however even within wicked whims, their functions have been completely cosmetic.
Finally! Functional Chastity gameplay for the sims! There has been chastity cage CC added in the sims forever, however even within wicked whims, their functions have been completely cosmetic.
I was working on my Body Worship Mods when I had an idea for a mod that tracks your gay male sims and their body types and automatically assigned them traits to alter their sexual behavior, attraction, skill gain, and career performance!
I personally love some variety and surprise in my wicked game play, and in adding cock shrinkage to my chatity mod, I thought of a way to randomize the genitals of all the sims in my the world by default.