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Cleaning Frenzy for All 3.9 KB

Cleaning Frenzy for All

07 May 2022

Well, this mod won't fix that, but what it will do is make it easier for you to maintain a clean home. This mod adds the neat trait's Cleaning Frenzy interaction to all sims, and makes it always be available.

Urn Binding and Summoning 12.9 KB

Urn Binding and Summoning

05 May 2022
1 661

Did your favorite townie die? Or perhaps you accidentally misplaced the urn of one your precious deceased legacy sims? Normally those sims would be irretrievably lost, doomed to fade away forever by the game's culling system. Not anymore!

Hybrid Mermaid Stabilization 5 KB

Hybrid Mermaid Stabilization

30 Apr 2022
1 055

This mod aims to fix some major issues with hybrid mermaids to make them truly playable. Hybrids should now be able to switch directly between their occult forms without getting stuck in their current form.