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Rolyatja - Increased Vending Machine Loot and Meds 1KB

Rolyatja - Increased Vending Machine Loot and Meds

20 Sep 2022

A simple xml edit that enables the purchase of basic medical loot from vending machines found in the world and at traders. The mod is compatible with Alpha 20.5 b2 (Vanilla), Alpha 20.6 b9 (Vanilla), and Alpha 20.5 b2 / Undead Legacy 2.5.82 (Overhaul). The mod is only required Server Side.

Rolyatja - Increased Zombie Loot Bags 2KB

Rolyatja - Increased Zombie Loot Bags

17 Sep 2022

Increases Zombie Loot Bag probability from Normal 2% to 5%, Feral 3% to 8%, and Radiated 3% to 10%. The mod is compatible with Alpha 20.5 b2 (Vanilla), Alpha 20.6 b9 (Vanilla), and Alpha 20.5 b2 / Undead Legacy 2.5.82 (Overhaul). The mod is only required Server Side.

Rolyatja - Increased Trader Loot (UL) 1KB

Rolyatja - Increased Trader Loot (UL)

06 Sep 2022

A mod that increases Vanilla and Undead Legacy Trader loot values. General Trader values for Min/Max Inventory and Min/Max Items Swapped are increased by +10. Specialized Undead Legacy Traders have their same values each increased by +5.