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Rolyatja - Increased Trader Loot (UL)  

Upload: 06 Sep 2022, 14:27
Created by: Rolyatja [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Rolyatja - Increased Trader Loot (UL)

Requirements Subquake's Undead Legacy

A mod that increases Vanilla and Undead Legacy Trader loot values. General Trader values for Min/Max Inventory and Min/Max Items Swapped are increased by +10. Specialized Undead Legacy Traders have their same values each increased by +5.

Default General Trader loot values are:

    • Min Inventory = 30 Max Inventory = 60
    • Min Items Swapped = 20 Max Items Swapped = 20

Increased General Trader Loot values are:

    • Min Inventory = 40 Max Inventory = 70
    • Min Items Swapped = 30 Max Items Swapped = 30

Default Undead Legacy Specialized Trader loot values are:

    • Min Inventory = 30 Max Inventory = 45
    • Min Items Swapped = 25 Max Items Swapped = 25

Increased Undead Legacy Specialized Trader Loot values are:

  • Min Inventory = 30 Max Inventory = 45
  • Min Items Swapped = 25 Max Items Swapped = 25

Increase FPS in skyscrapers and cities 3KB

Increase FPS in skyscrapers and cities

20 Sep 2022

In Alpha 21, 7DTD developers will replace window models in cities and skyscrapers, which greatly reduce FPS, since they use separate models for each frame. But when will Alpha 21 be released? No one knows. So I changed the problematic models to the usual block shapes.

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