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Only the Best Weapons and Armor (A20)  

Upload: 08 Sep 2022, 19:01
Created by: Drake0713 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

This mod does not ADD any Weapons or Armor; what it does is - instead of some stats being determined by RNG, this sets all such stats to the highest value they could have naturally been rolled as.  T0 weapons and armor already behaved this way; pipe & stone weapons, cloth and scrap armor.  This mod just standardizes them all.  Once installed then ALL items will be the best version of themselves they could have been rolled as.  This does not however change the tier system; if you couldn't make a tier 5 before, that will not change here - but all items of the same item and tier will be the same as each other.  Eg Tier 6 Steel armor will always be better than... well anything else, but before this a Tier 5 Steel Armor *could* have been better than a Tier 6 Steel Armor, and the same goes for everything else.  Likewise, every Tier 6 Steel Chest will be exactly the same as each other with this mod, and again the same goes for everything else.  So no more need to craft the same item multiple times just to get one with the right stats on it, the same item at the same tier will always be the same.

The way randomization appears to work in the un-modded game is that each item has a seed value and they appear to use the same equation to turn that one seed into the result for ALL their RNG stats; which means all the RNG stats are proportionally tied to one another.  This is why you often see items where most of the stats are all better than the other one but for one or two which are worse.  Specifically, StaminaLoss is one stat which is WORSE the high the number is, but because it is tied like this to the other RNG stats, you really can't select for a LOW StaminaLoss weapon where the other stats are also high... at least... not without a mod... and yes, this is that mod :)

Since all the RNG is based off a seed, and this mod doesn't change anything which could act as a seed, it should be safe to install or remove at anytime (provided you completely exit the game while doing so)

Stats normally affected by RNG:
BuffResistance (resistance to combat injuries)
DamageFalloffRange (effective shooting range)
DegradationMax (item durability)
ElementalDamageResist (resistance to explosion damage, among others)
HyperthermalResist (heat)
HypothermalResist (cold)
WeaponHandling (accuracy?)

As a bonus, the optional download is a super small standalone modlet wherein I copied the code that gives Baseball Caps 2.5% damage resistance after reading the Batter Up Vol.2 book and added it to the head mod of the same name so now a FireFighter Helmet can give 7.5% damage resistance on top of its armor with the right skill books!  The optional download can be used with the main mod or by itself, I was just too lazy to make a separate mod page for it :-P

Rolyatja - Increased Trader Loot (UL) 1KB

Rolyatja - Increased Trader Loot (UL)

06 Sep 2022

A mod that increases Vanilla and Undead Legacy Trader loot values. General Trader values for Min/Max Inventory and Min/Max Items Swapped are increased by +10. Specialized Undead Legacy Traders have their same values each increased by +5.

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