A four piece outfit. Bibo - Bibo S/M/L/XL/Uranus chest + S/M/L legs - YAB S/M/L chest + Watermelon and Skull crusher legs + Default and small butt
A four piece outfit. Bibo - Bibo S/M/L/XL/Uranus chest + S/M/L legs - YAB S/M/L chest + Watermelon and Skull crusher legs + Default and small butt
The bimbo uniform. Comes with 4 variants: -bimbo, himbo, thembo and plain. The bimbo gradient/text is colorsettable. Just look for the pink and white in the colorset editor, and that's what you have to edit.
2 variants: sheer and opaque pants toggles: A to turn off part of the trousers, B to turn off the underwear
A highly customizable two piece outfit. The pants have metadata toggles to: remove butt covers, remove the laces, turn them into shorts, and remove the metallic rivets
**Jacket is placed on a bracelet.** Contains options for 4k or 2k textures. Metadata contains toggles to remove: The belt, the skirt, the shorts; The fishnet, the shirt, and the crop top.
Liability_spiked contains: bibo small, bibo vegan, bimbo, rue, nymph, uranus, YAB TBSE contains: TBSE slim, default, x + echo