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Seasons Trait Bundle 695.9 kB

Seasons Trait Bundle

27 Jun 2023

Well, how can you not love the holidays! Everyone loves the holidays! All those glitters, gifts, goodies.. This mod adds three new character traits that affect the way your characters perceive the holidays.

Brittpinkiesims Mods Reviving

Brittpinkiesims Mods Reviving

05 Jul 2022
1 238

Brittany (kwown as Brittpinkiesims) was one of the most talented modder, as well as one of my best Simmer friends and had guided me in terms of modding. It's sad that she's on hiatus (and probably never coming back).

Basketball Mod 2.3 MB

Basketball Mod

03 Jun 2022
1 868

The basketball mod had planned for a lot of features, and I was constantly working on it (while I was modding LOL). For now, the bones of the adult career has finished and all I need to do is to add career gigs, and career rewards, and…more minor features.