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New Small Fixes: Owned Business Fix  

Upload: 25 Dec 2023, 14:45
Created by: konansock [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
New Small Fixes: Owned Business Fix

The Sims is never a bugless game, yet the Sims 4 has come to a point where I need to fix some issues myself just to play happily.

List of Fixes 

  1. RoboNanny Don't Cook:Servos with the RoboNanny module won't cook endlessly.
  2. Egg Hunt Fix :Sims with a chicken coop on their lot can now complete the "Egg Hunt" holiday tradition.  
  3. Ice Cream Ingredients :Sims will now use ingredients to cook ice cream on a lot that activates "Simple Living Challenge" 
  4. Hot Pot Simple Living :Sims will now be able to eat Hot Pot on a lot that activates "Simple Living Challenge" 
  5. Owned Business Fix: After For Rent update, all the player owned Vet Clinic and Retail Stores stopped functioning. No vet will come after you check in, and you can't buy anything at a Retail Store. This is due to the player owned business lots not automatically opening upon visit, unless the lot owner do so. This is extremely annoying for rotational players, and this fix that issue.  Three vets will spawn upon visit, just like before. Retail Store functions differently: You need to click on the cashier and open the store manually to make the lot function.

The Retail Fix

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2023/7/27 Deleted the "Chemistry Lab Fix". EA finally fixed this issue. 

2023/12/23 Added Owned Business Fix

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