Acacia Allure of lotus Partial deletion
芬妮皮肤删减版,共7种 Fenny Sugar Queen Partial deletion,7 types in total.
4⭐小太阳mod,内裤和丝袜是猫猫的形状。 4⭐Fritia's mod, Underwear and stockings are in the shape of a cat.
4⭐肴Nmod,原版体型胸小了 按5星肴体型修改了(还有臀部) 4⭐Yao Nmod, The initial version had a smaller chest, so according to 5⭐Yao Manufacturing.(And the buttocks)
肴宿舍Nmod,无毛&有毛,一共两个版本。 Yao dormitory Nmod, No pubic hair&Having pubichair, there are two versions.
5⭐肴Nmod,默认皮肤修改,共两个。 5⭐Yao Nmod, Default skin modification.
豹豹死库水mod,共8种(1.2.0版包含所有内容) Eatchel Schoolswimwear mod, 8 types in total(Version 1.2.0 includes all content)
豹豹Nmod,细化脚趾,共5种 Eatchel Nmod, Refine toes. total of 5 types
苔丝泳装版本 Tess swimsuit version
重组身躯,贴合原始身体 提升肤色以接近原始肤色(取代默认皮肤) Enhance skin tone to approach original skin tone(Replace default skin)
删除了不需要的地方,并还原原始皮肤 Removed unnecessary parts and restored the original skin
给5⭐辰星穿了绝区零妮可角色的衣服 Replacing default skin
重组身躯,贴合原始身体 阴影重绘,追加一个2D乳头。 Redraw Shadow, Add a 2D papilla.
做了2个主界面和战斗的区分和一个常规的泳装(4⭐里芙默认皮肤替换) I made two main interface and battle distinctions, as well as a normal swimsuit.(4⭐Lyfe default skin replacement)
猫猫宿舍Nmod. Mauxir dormitory Nmod.
4⭐猫猫默认皮肤修改,一共两种。 4⭐Mauxir,Default skin modification,two types.
茉莉安宿舍裸体Nmod Marian dormitory Nmod.
4⭐茉莉安Nmod,一共三种。 4⭐Marian Nmod,There are three types in total.
5⭐茉莉安Nmod,一共两种。 5⭐Marian Nmod,There are two types in total.
4⭐绷带皮肤部分删减(留下绷带)。共三种 4⭐Second skin (Leave only bandages).Three types
基于1.0调整了胸型、臀围(比原本大小调高了一点,’翘臀‘)以及阴部细节。 Adjusted chest shape, hip size, and genital details.
卡罗琳裸体 Caroline nude
为4星芬妮做了两款衣服、和一个删减布料版的(取代了默认皮肤) I made two types of clothes for Fenny、and Cropped version of clothing(Replacing the default skins)
删减了一部分舞者的衣服 Removed some of the dancers' clothing
辰星泳装版本,取代了原皮 The swimsuit version made for Chenxing Replacing the default skins
5星芬妮穿内裤的 取代了默认皮肤 Wearing underwear. Replacing default skin
恩雅泳装两个版本 ,取代了原皮 Two versions of Enya swimsuit Replacing the default skins