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LordNCR - Better Cement v0.0.4  

Upload: 20 Sep 2022, 09:36
Created by: LordNCR [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 0.0.4
LordNCR - Better Cement v0.0.4

A better, quicker and more realistic way to craft cement and cement mix. Faster than vanilla and 42% less small stones.

Just a new realistic way of crafting cement, cobblestone rocks and cement mix.

What does this mod change:

  • Instead of wasting small stones in forge, you’ll need to craft Cobblestones Rocks (also in forge) from stone and clay (1:1). (Its like a “Clinker” in real life)
  • Then craft Cement (x2) from Cobblestone Rocks and Small Stones manually.
  • Finally mix Cement Mix (x2) using Small Stones, Sand and Cement (3:2:1). Overall you’ll need 42% less small stones to produce concrete block. Use the time saved to build immense base. 

Mod also adds additional description to these three items in inventory (in English and Russian).
Mod does not add items or change loot, traders etc.

My Discord: LordNCR#4448

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