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Devs Arrows A20.6  

Upload: 08 Sep 2022, 19:04
Created by: DEVGNAG [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Devs Arrows A20.6

A Mod to give 5 new arrow variants to use on any bow and crossbow skills are required to unlock *book 4 of archery*

This is also going to be added to my "Sacred AIO A20" Mod so it can be used with all the tiers of bows and crossbows.

1. Radiated
2. Shock
3. Glue
5.Knock out

Electricity Wind Power (A20) 9.8MB

Electricity Wind Power (A20)

14 Oct 2022

Adds new power class and block for a modern windmill that produces energy day and night by wind power. Although wind is unpredictable, it still runs at around 50% capacity most of the time. Highly advices to be used with a battery bank. You need to disable EAC to use this mod!

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