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Powered Rollup Doors - Undead Legacy compatible version also available  

Upload: 10 Oct 2022, 21:03
Created by: Chonkie210 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Powered Rollup Doors - Undead Legacy compatible version also available

Installation: Just place the Powered Rollup Doors folder into your mods folder.  EAC does not need to be off.  Should be server side only.

After unlocking electrician in advanced engineering tree or if you find the powered doors & bridges schematic, you can then craft powered versions of the rollup doors helper at your workbench.   3 sizes to choose from at the bench.   Hold "R" to bring up the radial menu when placing the door and choose "shape" to pick the color you want.

Version 2.0 fixes the missing white door icon in the radial menu.  It is also compatible with Darkness Falls.

There is now also a version compatible with Undead Legacy.

ZLO - Zombie Loot Overhaul 1KB

ZLO - Zombie Loot Overhaul

30 Sep 2022

The mod adjusts the drop rate/quality of loot bags accordingly. There are multiple modules for what experience you'd like, varying from balanced to ridiculous. Any suggestions and feedback is incredibly appreciated!

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