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AZR - Annoying Zombies Replacer A20  

Upload: 20 Sep 2022, 09:39
Created by: paperclone22 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
AZR - Annoying Zombies Replacer A20

Replace spawns of annoying zombies with normal zombies.

Current replacements include:
z Spider --> z PartyGirl
z Dog --> z PartyGirl
z FatCop --> z FatHawaiian
z Vulture --> z Nurse
Wolf & DireWolf--> z BusinessMan
Snake --> z PartyGirl
z Mutated --> z FatHawaiian

Replacement respects difficulty, so a feral spider spawn will instead spawn a feral party girl.

This is a basic modlet that can be installed via any mod manager or manually by extracting the zip file into the mods folder.

H7SB Furnitures 18KB

H7SB Furnitures

01 Oct 2022

H7SB Furnitures is a server-side mod that contains various decoration blocks and a new chest system. This mod has additional modules that can be optionally activated.

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