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MadWorld UI Simple  

Upload: 06 Oct 2022, 19:14
Created by: MadBuffoon [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
MadWorld UI Simple

Please Keep In-mind that the custom images use web links to load them, so offline doesn't work.

Works with twitch and added more info panels to the UI

List of stuff:
- Custom health, stamina, food and water
- Custom tool bar with current currency in inventory
- Custom compass
- Custom day, time , height, and temps
- Custom party list that also shows stamina for people.

Remote Storage Access 9KB

Remote Storage Access

01 Oct 2022

Lets you access nearby storage containers remotely, using hotkeys and / or an on-screen list. Also lets you name individual storage containers, displayed both in the looting GUI and pointing the crosshairs at the storage.

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