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Stun Baton - Reimagined  

Upload: 06 Sep 2022, 15:08
Created by: Drake0713 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Stun Baton - Reimagined

So here's what I did for my version of the Stun Baton:

  • Gave it the EntityDamage & BlockDamage of the T1CandyClub - this makes it better than the T0PipeBaton but not as good as the T3SteelClub (at least in raw damage)  It just makes no sense to me that the T2StunBaton would have lower damage than the T0PipeBaton
  • Gave it the lower StaminaLoss of the T0PipeBaton, because why would it take more stamina to swing a stun stick than a metal pipe? (this one is arguable, but the T0PipeBaton just seems so useless I wanted to use at least some of its stats somewhere)
  • Set the ShockedDuration to always be 1 second, with no perk increase.  But also set it to trigger on every swing so there is no charge up
  • Changed the 2ndary effect of the perks to instead be similar to the Sledgehammer's AoE Knockdown effect; Stun Batons have the same chance to apply at perk tiers 3,4,5 but changed the effect to Shock instead of Knockdown (again with a 1 second duration)  I also gave all perk tiers from 2+ a 15% chance for a slightly lesser AoE shock on normal attacks.
  • I left the AttacksPerMinute the same; this creates a nice continuum (imo) from Sledgehammers -> Clubs -> Stun Baton going from higher Damage-per-Hit to faster Hits-per-Minute.  I also didn't change the Repulsor Mod nor the Nerd Tats interactions (tho again, all Shock durations should only be 1 second)

I feel the damage and shock duration are just about right... the 2ndary perk effects might be tuned further, but I'm happy with the end result.

Install by dropping into your Mods folder, the install path should look like:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\AlternateStunBaton\ModInfo.xml

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