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Firstaid Stops Infection (A20)  

Upload: 20 Sep 2022, 08:30
Created by: Drake0713 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Firstaid Stops Infection (A20)

Adds a 1% Cure Infection to Firstaid Bandages and Kits.
Without this an infection can be a death sentence in the early game, and even later - the frequency of infection can quickly eat up all your antibiotic options when you really only need that 1%

I'm calling this version 0.9 because it works, but I can't get the tooltips to display the new info as I'd like them to.  You can only see that they include Cure Infection when one of these items is compared to an item which already included Cure Infection - as the screenshot demonstrates.
Someone better at XML coding mind taking a look at what I have and suggest a fix/improvement?

Install by dropping into your Mods folder, the install path should look like:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\CureInfection\ModInfo.xml

Increase FPS in skyscrapers and cities 3KB

Increase FPS in skyscrapers and cities

20 Sep 2022

In Alpha 21, 7DTD developers will replace window models in cities and skyscrapers, which greatly reduce FPS, since they use separate models for each frame. But when will Alpha 21 be released? No one knows. So I changed the problematic models to the usual block shapes.

Rolyatja - Increased Vending Machine Loot and Meds 1KB

Rolyatja - Increased Vending Machine Loot and Meds

20 Sep 2022

A simple xml edit that enables the purchase of basic medical loot from vending machines found in the world and at traders. The mod is compatible with Alpha 20.5 b2 (Vanilla), Alpha 20.6 b9 (Vanilla), and Alpha 20.5 b2 / Undead Legacy 2.5.82 (Overhaul). The mod is only required Server Side.

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