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SBBF Bikini Armors (TAWOBA port)  

Upload: 27 Jan 2024, 16:14
Created by: Fred_Karrera [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
SBBF Bikini Armors (TAWOBA port)

Yes, I love Skyrim too, and now that BG3 seems to be the new king I decided to make my first Armor mod after so many years of only be a leecher. This is a WIP mod, I still learning how to mod this fabulous game and it's a gigantic effort for me to make a space in all my activities to do it, so please don't be rude and if you know how to improve it, your help it's ever welcome.

All the meshes were imported from Skyrim TAWOBA mod and adapted to BG3 format (all that can be converted), cleaned and resized manually, added weights, UV's and set to proper game slots, the base body it's from my SBBF mod (with a small cleavage), for that reason its highly recommended that install it too.

For convenience (and because I don't know how-to do-good textures) this mod contains only meshes and use in game textures, all meshes are in separate files and merged via code.

Note: V1.1+ adds stats to the body armors based on in-game armor types, there are a good set of combinations to choose, designed for a balanced and fair gameplay without overpowering or cheated. 



Install via Vortex or BG3 mod manager.

You'll find the armors in the tutorial chest (near where you find the rune to free Shadowheart) or use the summoning tutorial chest mod to add it to your inventory directly.

v1.11 add the armors to the vendor inventory.


Uninstall via Vortex or BG3 mod manager.

Remodelled Frame Body 5.2MB

Remodelled Frame Body NSFW

01 Nov 2023
6 889

This is not a body mod. It's a resource dependency for my armor mods. With Loviatar's blessing and your baptism in pain, your body is starting to change in subtle ways. Your muscles soften and your flesh feels fuller in certain places.

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