Arachnophobia - No More Spiders FullGameReady SEE WARNING
*WARNING*: I have only tested it briefly in Act 1 of full version of game. I searched and found only two relevent entries in game files and have attempted to change the appearance. As I do not have a save game at that point I have not been able to check. I therefore do not certify this mod as clinically safe for use. I will rely on others to inform me if I have missed any creatures and then attempt to fix.
Mod created by LostSoulMan, uploaded on their behalf.
- For those who dislike the spiders in-game or who can't play due to Arachnophobia.
- Replaces all spider models and portraits with a dog. Does not replace spells, skill icons, or sounds.
- You can test the mod quickly by starting a new game as a ranger with Find Familiar and casting the spell.
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