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Long black hair for Astarion  

Upload: 21 Aug 2023, 14:11
Created by: Nyethux [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Long black hair for Astarion

This is a personal mod I made for myself because I wanted a different vibe from Astarion. It just replaces his hairstyle for one of the character creation ones that I liked, makes it black, and gives him black eyebrows to fit it. In the screenshots, you'll also see his face texture changed. My mod DOES NOT DO THIS. I'm using a mod made by soriyumi (check it out!). If you want the same result, you can just use the contents from the Generated folder in their mod but NOT the Public one. In my screenshots you'll see the face texture causing a neck glitch but soriyumi updated their mod and it no longer glitches!

This mod also works very well together with Younger Astarion by Daraki. It's not shown in my screenshots but you can see it in most of the user uploaded screenshots, so if you like how he looks, be sure to check out that mod too! It looks great.


To install my mod, simply unpack its contents into your Baldurs Gate 3 folder and you should be good to go ^^ To uninstall, remove the files.

New Character Creation Presets WIP 1 GB

New Character Creation Presets WIP

26 Jul 2023
1 110

New presets for character creator. Comes with their own textures and meshes. No NPC is replaces, all faces are unique to player character or your Daisy. WIP means that this mod is not "ready", everything can change until I am happy with it.

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