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Quickened Spell Cost Rebalance v1.01  

Upload: 13 Aug 2023, 10:32
Created by: Leron9999 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

In 5e, quickened spell costs a flat 2 sorcery points. This is fine since 5e's rules don't allow casting a 1st-level spell or higher more than once in a turn, meaning you could only typically do a cantrip + level-spell or two cantrips in the same turn via Quickened Spell. BG3, however, doesn't follow this rule, meaning you can literally Tiberius your way into a double fireball if you wanted to, hence justifying the 3 sorc-point cost. 

So this mod rebalances it a bit by changing the cost of Quickened Spell to mimic Twinned Spell's cost and cost scaling. 

This is the first mod I've ever created, so my experience is very much limited.

Fixed the issue with the cost not scaling to spell level.
Added an alternate version that has a flat 2 sorcery point cost like in the PHB. Choose only one of the two files.

Tooltip and description would still say Quickened Spell costs 3 sorc points.

Use the BG3 mod manager. I have no clue how to install pak files manually.

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