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Baldur's Gate 3 Community Library v2.0.1.1  

Upload: 25 Aug 2023, 13:49
Created by: NellsRelo [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Baldur's Gate 3 Community Library v2.0.1.1

Baldur's Gate 3 Community Library exists to provide a common collection of Spells, Scripts, Items, Statuses, Passives, and other useful material that will assist modders in creating new content. This is a modder's resource, intended for mod authors to utilize as a dependency, allowing them to implement these in their own creations. You only need to download this if a mod you are using requires it, or if you plan to use it in a mod you are making.

If you would like to contribute to Baldur's Gate 3 Community Library, there are a few ways: You can join the team, make independent contributions, or make suggestions!

Independent Contribution
If you'd like to make contributions, please make a fork of the repository, add and test your changes, and then submit a pull request to github repo. We'll review it, and if all goes well, we'll either add your contribution, or provide reasoning as to why we won't.

Making Suggestions
This is the easiest way to contribute - Create an Issue with either a Bug Report or Feature Request template, depending on whether you are encountering a bug or requesting a feature be added. Please be very detailed when creating an issue - the more detail you add, the easier it is to be addressed.

More detail on making contributions can be found here.

Using the Library
A quick guide on using content from the library can be found here.

This mod works with BG3 Mod Manager, and likely Vortex Mod Manager, and Manual Installations. BG3 mod manager is by far the simplest method, and as such is recommended.

BG3 Mod Manager
1. Download the latest release, and unzip the .pak file.
2. Open BG3 Mod Manager, click File->Import Mod
3. Select CommunityLibrary.pak
4. Once imported hit refresh
5. Drag CommunityLibrary to the top of the Left pane
6. Hit "Save Load Order to File"

Recommended Mod Management Tools
BG3 Mod Manager

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