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Eldest Ring v1.0.7  

Upload: 20 Jul 2023, 10:01
Created by: Saiko-Chan [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.0.7
Eldest Ring v1.0.7

Eldest Ring is a mod that introduces a number of changes to the item and stat scaling system, as well as some buffs. It slightly increases the initial amount of health and its maximum level, doubles the influence of the enchantment parameter on detection, and also replaces the concentration bonus of the amulet from the illuminating horn with a slow regeneration of concentration points. More changes are planned for the future.

This mod is intended to overhaul Elden Ring just a bit, such as adjusting scaling and certain item effects, a full list of all changes is listed below. More is planned for the mod, these are just some things I personally felt needed a touch up for fun's sake so if you have any suggestions please let me know! I still intend on buffing certain infusions to make up for lack of being able to use buffs on them, so please also suggest ideas for the different infusions!


  • Increased initial HP and adjusted HP scaling, increased HP cap from 2100 to 2500
  • Increased initial FP and adjusted FP scaling, increased FP cap from 450 to 500
  • Doubled discovery scaling from Arcane, now each time you level Arcane you will get 2 points of discovery

Random Buffs:

  • Adjusted some values for Gold Pickled Fowl Foot, Silver Pickled Fowl Foot, Gold Scarab, and Silver Scarab to account for discovery being more useful (the gold variants are buffed to account for the silver ones)
  • Fowl Feet now last 10 minutes instead of 3
  • Blessed Dew Talisman now restores 0.3% health every tick instead of a flat 2 health, making it a bit more useful but not OP late game
  • Increased benefits of all Amber medallions and their upgraded variants (Crimson Amber, Cerulean Amber, Viridian Amber)
  • Black Flame Blade is now 15 seconds long to match with other buffs of it's type like drawstring grease
  • A few effects related to Black Flame and a certain death themed boss now have slightly increased duration and extra flat damage over time, these effects also now stack with each other

Random Changes/Additions:

  • New Spell: Lifesbane Armament. coats the weapon in flame which weakens enemies permanently, can be purchased with Assassin's Prayerbook (the hi res icon is currently not something I want to include cause you would need to download like a 1GB file, sorry)
  • Death Sorcery now cause Frostbite, Godslayer Incantations now cancel Frostbite and the stat reqs for both are changed
  • Glintstone staves and Sacred Seals have had their scaling stats changed to encourage more diverse playstyles, perhaps where you use both magic types (Staves now have a bit of faith scaling, Seals now have a bit of int scaling, casting tools that already scale off of both or neither are relatively unchanged) Both casting tool types now also have a bit of dex scaling 
  • Clarifying Horn Charm and +1 now both add a slow FP regen (2 + 1% and 4 + 2% every 5 seconds) instead of increasing Focus
  • All weapons can now have Ashes of War applied (Do note that this doesn't mean all weapons can have infusions)
  • Serpentbone Blade can now be infused (It was in the files already but not used)
  • Occult weapons can now be buffed using various means like Grease, Magic, etc
  • Knight armor from Twin Maidens is now significantly less expensive
  • Iji now sells a single Somber Smithing Stone [5], be careful what you use it on!
  • Sorcerer Rogier sells his Spellblade set, the location of his set later on is replaced with a secret
  • A second Uchigatana can be purchased from the Dragonbarrow Merchant for 5000 runes
  • Patches now sells the Black Hood and Leather armor set so you no longer have to kill him for it
  • Black Hood in Sage's cave is now replaced with Black Bow, Black Bow in Leyndell is now replaced with a Lord's Rune
  • Invisible enemies have been fixed

You must have your game unpacked using UXM and your eldenring.exe patched in order to see changed item descriptions
THIS MOD CANNOT BE USED ONLINE, MAKE SURE EAC IS DISABLED (I recommend using this mod here here to do that)
Drag and drop the msg folder (technically optional) and regulation file from into your ELDEN RING\Game\ folder (It's the folder that has eldenring.exe in it)
Make a backup of regulation.bin in case something breaks!
It is also recommended that you make a new character for playing this mod as some of the scaling things remain unmodded unless you level them up

Vawser for making Yapped Rune Bear Edition
TKGP for Yabber and UXM and Meowmaritus for making UXM work for Elden Ring
ReTarandil for the invisible enemies bugfix

Seamless Co-op v2.0.0 1.5MB

Seamless Co-op v2.0.0

20 Jul 2023
1 344

While Elden Ring's co-op is definitely better than Dark Souls', it's far from perfect. Calling other players still requires consumables, you are limited in the use of a horse, and as soon as the boss is defeated by joint efforts, you will be immediately separated.

Balance Plus 3.0 6.9MB

Balance Plus 3.0

28 Mar 2022

Welcome to unique mod, Balance Plus Mod with many unique features which I implemented first! This mod is NOT A CHEAT, but balanced and I made this mod to make you happy!

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