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Lategame Damage Fix  

Upload: 28 Mar 2022, 20:34
Created by: coldpaintedash [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Lategame Damage Fix

Attempts to reduce the ridiculous damage of enemies in late game areas. Also includes optional tweaks to NG+ scaling values.

Base Mod:

Reduces the absurd spikes in difficulty that exist mostly towards the end of the game.

This mod only affects enemy damage. Things like HP, resistances, and defenses are unchanged. The starting areas of the game are also unchanged in terms of difficulty. All the difficulty spikes between areas still exist, they are just a fair amount smaller in most cases. Below is a rough outline of how much damage was reduced in each area.

Limgrave, Stormveil: 0%
Siofra River: 5.8%
South Liurna, Academy Start: 7.6%
North Liurna, Academy End: 9.7%
Below Mt. Gelmir, Ainsel River: 13.3%
Mt. Gelmir East, Caelid West: 18.6%
Altus Plateau, Caelid Southeast: 23.4%
Leyndell, Nokstella: 27.7%
Volcano Manor, Dragonbarrow, Leyndell Sewers: 37.2%
Mountaintops of the Giants, Faram Azula Start: 41.0%
Faram Azula End: 41.8%
Ashen Capital, Consecrated Snowfield: 42.6%
Final Boss: 44.1%
Mohgwyn, Haligtree: 44.7%

It might be possible that I turned down the damage too far in some areas, so please let me know if you think that's the case. This mod is a work in progress and I'd love to hear your feedback.

Update v1.1

A small oversight caused early game enemies in NG+ to deal more damage than late game ones. This is now fixed. Once again, only damage is affected (not HP, Defenses, etc) and NG is unaffected by both the original issue and the fix.

New Game Plus Scaling Tweaks (Optional):

Personally I feel like NG+ is a little too unforgiving, so this is a collection of adjustments to the scaling to make it a bit more of a gentle increase in difficulty. Below are the changes to enemy stats on NG+7 (old -> new), but it scales linearly to these end values from NG+1 and onwards.

Max HP: +40% -> +30%
Max Stamina: +27.5% -> +12%
Damage: +45% -> +30%
Defenses: +30% -> +24%
Stamina Damage: +90% -> +18%
Soul Multiplier: +27.5% -> +90%
Posture Health: +40% -> +6%


1. Make a backup of your regulation.bin file.
2. Drag and drop the regulation.bin into the "Elden Ring/Game/" directory.

To uninstall this mod you will need to:

1. Replace the regulation.bin file with your backup.

Alternate (CSV) Installation

1. Open your regulation.bin using Yapped.
2. click "Tools > Mass Export Data" and wait for it to finish.
3. in "Yapped/res/GR/Data/" you'll see a bunch of CSV files. drag and replace the CSV files from the mod into the folder.
4. in Yapped, navigate to "SpEffectParam" on the left and click "Tools > Import Data".
5. If using NG+ Tweaks, repeat the above for "ClearCountCorrectParam".

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