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-FIXED- GWA - Perfect Start (100 percent Legit) Savefile  

Upload: 29 Mar 2022, 18:24
Created by: Gaming_With_Arzan [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
-FIXED- GWA - Perfect Start (100 percent Legit) Savefile

100% legit gameplay. Start with Somber Smithing Stones 1 to 9 to upgrade any weapon. 100k runes (from big dragon). 52 Grace Points unlocked.
NO BOSS killed, NO QUEST CHAIN broken.


How did I do it?: Basically, I have followed these youtube videos;
1. AngBata Guide to getting Somber smith stones 1-9 without killing anything
2. Fighting Cowboy Complete Walkthrough (Upto the end of Part 3) 

What does this give you?: A clean slate, flexible starter without any more setup. Can get straight into playing the game. That's over 4 hours of 100% legit gameplay, with NO QUESTS BROKEN and with NO BOSS KILLS. The whole game is open to you, but you can upgrade a weapon to near max to do good damage and make it a little easier. Since this is 100% legit, you can use this online.

Character Details:
Name: TheFirstTimer (you can change this in roundtable hold later)
Class: Vagabond
Gender: Male
Roleplay: The character is set to look like a viking (you can change this in roundtable hold later) 
Level : 9 (Starting level for Vagabond)
Runes: Over 100,000 runes to spend on levelling your character how you see fit, and your weapons

The Details:
1. Waypoints: 52 Points of Grace across Limgrave, Weeping Peninsula, Caelid, Liurnia, Grand Lift of Dectis and Volcano Manor 
2. Noteable Trinkets: Green Turtle Talisman, Radagon's Soreseal
3. Noteworthy Weapons: 
a. For STR Build: Bloodhound Fang, Greatsword, Morning Star
b. For DEX Build: Twinblade
c. For INT Build: Meteorite Staff + Rocksling
d. For FAI Build: Reaper Scythe, Morning Star + Flame of Frenzy Incant + Fireball Incants
e. Shield: Great Turtle Shell + Jellyfish Shield
4. PROOF of No Broken Quest / Game Progression: Since lots of people commented that I may have broken quests, here is a detailed breakdown to prove I haven't. The Side Quests wiki lists every quest, and I have commented about every single person you meet in the areas I have travelled to
a. White-Faced Varre: Spoke to him at the start, then again after I made it round table hold. He's still in Limgrave and expects you to beat Godrick The Grafted
        b. Boc the Seamster: Freed Boc from his tree form in Limgrave. You can now meet him at Costal Cave later.
c. Roderika: She's in the roundtable hold and agreed to learn from Smithing Master Hewg
d. D Hunter of the Dead: Spoke to him at Stormhill after the bridge. You now have to kill the boss in Summonwater Village to progress
e. Thops: Not met him yet.
f. Hyetta: Not met her yet. 
e. Kenneth Haight: Met him. Liberated his fort. Went back to him for Erdsteel Dagger. Accepted his accord. Now you have to meet him back at the fort.
g. Ranni the Witch: Met her. Got spirit summon. Next part of the quest is to goto Ranni's Rise which is much later than my save.
h. Iron Fist Alexander: Found him in Northern Stormhill and freed him. Now you have to go meet him at Gael Tunnel
i. Blaidd: Got emote from Merchant Kale, summoned Blaidd. He helped me kill Darriwil to get Bloodhound Fang Sword.  Now you have to meet him much later.
j. Fia: Her questline starts later than this save.
k. Sorceress Sellen: Haven't met her.
l. Bloody Finger Hunter Yura: Haven't met him.
m. Patches: Haven't met him
j. Rya: Progressed till I got the invitation to Volcano Manor (needed it for the somber smithing stones). You have to do some stuff at the manor to trigger the next part of the quest.
k. Diallos: Met him at round table hold. You now have to meet him at Academy Gate Town. 


  1. Download Elden Ring Save Copier from Github
  2. Download this mod and save it somewhere easily accessible (Downloads, Desktop etc)
  3. Open Elden Ring Save Copier
  4. For the Source file - navigate to where you downloaded this mod and select the ER0000.sl2 
  5. For the Destination file - navigate to your Elden Ring save folder (easiest way is to browse for %AppData%/EldenRing and then select the folder with a 17 digit SteamID. Inside that folder, is anothher ER0000.sl2 file. Select it
  6. Under the Copy From field, select my character "TheFirstTimer" 
  7. Under the Copy To Field, select an empty slot
  8. Hit the green Copy button. 
  9. Open the game and click load game from menu and you should see the character there
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