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Elden Mod Loader 3.2  

Upload: 27 Mar 2022, 19:04
Last updated: 15-07-2023, 11:40
Created by: TechieW [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Elden Mod Loader 3.2

Elden Mod Loader allows you to organize all your modifications, automate work with DLLs and save yourself from other unpleasant routine.

How does it work?
This will load all .dll's found in the "mods" folder. What the .dll's do is up to whoever made them. Anyone is free to make a mod using this.

Disable the anti-cheat:
For the mod loader to work, you must disable the anti-cheat, you can use this tool to easily disable it: Anti-cheat toggler

Place the contents of "" inside your game folder, for example: "G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ELDEN RING\Game\".

Any mods (.dll files) in the "mods" folder will then load on game launch.

Uninstalling/disabling all mods:
Simply rename or delete "dinput8.dll". You don't need to delete your mods as they will no longer load without the mod loader.

If you're trying to install another mod that also uses dinput8.dll, then try to put that into the mods folder.

Mod framework

If you want to develop a DLL mod, I recommend checking out ModUtils.h in the mods repo. This header-only library contains various helpful tools such as a signature scanner, safe memory manipulation functions and a logger for troubleshooting.

Load ordering

To specify a load order for a mod, create a folder with the same name as your DLL inside the "mods" folder. Inside the folder create "load.txt" and enter the load order number, which must go from 0 and up. Mods will load in order from lowest to highest number with an interval of 1 second.

Alternatively, you can specify the load order in "mod_loader_config.ini" like so:

MyDllMod.dll = 1

(This overrides the load order specified in the "mods" folder).

Mods with a load order of 0 will be loaded instantly, even ignoring the load delay set inside "mod_loader_config.ini". I recommend not using 0 unless the mod is absolutely required to have an immediate effect, as race conditions may occur for some types of mods if they load too quickly.

If a load order is not specified for a mod, it will automatically receive a load order after the highest specified load order. Mods can have the same load order number, in which case they will load at the same time.

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