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Auto recover HP and FP  

Upload: 28 Mar 2022, 10:04
Created by: kjuytg [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Auto recover HP and FP

Add effect to "Crimson Amber Medallion", which u can choose to carry when bone, contain below effect:

1. Auto recover HP 0.5% per second
2. Auto recover FP 2 point per second

optional file
1: 1%hp+5fp per second
2: 0.25%hp+1fp per second
update 20220313: version 1.01 (main file and optional file) will effect on Crimson Amber Medallion +0 +1 +2
Nothing else, nothing too imba

How to install:
Disable your EAC
Just unpack and cover the file into the "elden ring\Game\ folder, please make a bakup by youself. Equip Crimson Amber Medallion ingame
Unistall: drag your backup file back.

Known bugs: already fixed

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