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To install the mod, you need to copy the files to the folder "C:\Users\{USER_NAME}\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\mods" or use the special FMM program (factorio mod manager). If a mod is missing from the requirements, please let us know in the comments.

Storage Tank Mk2 [0.14 - 1.1]  

Upload: 13 Mar 2023, 15:07
Last updated: 14-03-2023, 11:23
Created by: Optera [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Storage Tank Mk2 [0.14 - 1.1]

Why yet another storage tank mod? The others looked a bit ugly and still only had 4 connection points opposite corners.


  • 8 pipe connection points
  • normal and high res graphics blended from rotated base game sprites
  • base storage tanks are fast replaceable
  • reduces tank stack size to 10

Tanks stats (v0.2.x onwards)

capacity: 100k
health: 1k
pipe connections: 8
stack size: 10

Tank stats (v0.1.x)

capacity: 10k
health: 1k
pipe connections: 8
stack size: 10

Titanium [0.17 - 1.1] 2 MB

Titanium [0.17 - 1.1]

12 Mar 2023

Titanium is mined with lubricant and used in Low Density Structures, Flying Robot Frames and a few other places. Compatible with RSO, Krastorio 2, Space Exploration, and more. A standalone piece of BZ Mods.

Squeak Through [0.13 - 1.1]

Squeak Through [0.13 - 1.1]

13 Mar 2023
1 627

This small mod slightly reduces the collision boxes for many structures, allowing you to "squeak through" them while walking around your base. Say goodbye to the frustration of having your path blocked by your steam engines or solar panels when walking around your base!

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