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Barber and Surgery Camera Fix v1.0.1  

Upload: 20 Jul 2023, 23:27
Created by: Aigni [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Barber and Surgery Camera Fix v1.0.1

As soon as you are using custom camera settings, the character will be shown from behind. This mod modifies all Vanilla and DLC scripts that are accessing a barber or surgery chair. With this mod you are able to see the front of your character again.

There was an original mod which is no longer available (Barber and Surgeon Camera Fix). I tried the original mod and found out that it never could work (and didn't for me). It was only changing the "bApplyCameraNodeAnimations" setting to 0 as soon as you were finished at the barber/surgery. In order for the camera to work correctly at the barber/surgery, the setting has to be 1.

Because of that my mod works now correctly:
As soon as you are sitting down in a barber/surgery chair, the script will set bApplyCameraNodeAnimations=1 and as soon as you are leaving the chair the setting is restored to bApplyCameraNodeAnimations=0. Now you can use the chairs again, without even noting any difference in your custom camera settings, they will just work as usual.

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