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Tifa ND Remake v1.17H  

Upload: 03 Apr 2023, 13:50
Created by: kazumashirou [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Tifa ND Remake v1.17H

Another take on nude Tifa.

[Update 12th November 2022]
-added a pantyhose version

[Update 6th November 2022]
-increased the size of the heels a bit
-minor clipping fixes

[UPDATE 5th November 2022]
-added a pair of heels
-minor fixes and upgrades on the overall model

[Installation note update]
The pantyhose version is not compatible with any other versions. Additional info is in the posts section.

The old version is not compatible with the new one. Do not mix and match them.
The heels are affected by the skin options.

Existing nude mods for Tifa doesn't really fit my uhh... taste. So I took it up upon myself to create one.

This mod replaces Tifa's Purple Dress appearance so it will be in conflict with any other mods that replaces the same appearance.
Her other outfits will not be affected.
Please manage your mod installation properly to avoid any game-crashing issues or any other visual artifact issues.


1) Install these mod first:
Purple Dress Tifa or the alternate version, Tifa's Purple Dress Over All OutfitsTifa Invisible Weapons
2) Install the base mod file (Extract the contents of the zipped folder into your ~mods folder. Standard location would be ...\FFVIIRemakeIntergrade\End\Content\Paks\~mods)
3) Install the wet skin OR the normal skin version. 


Tifa ND Base with Heels
Tifa ND Base with Heels and Pantyhose
Tifa ND Heels and Pantyhose Dry
Tifa ND Heels and Pantyhose Wet
Tifa ND Normal Skin with Heels
Tifa ND Wet Skin with Heels

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. c
    containing [Users]
    18 February 2025 07:19

    Why would you post a picture of her naked with a child? Surely theres better previews you could use?