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Complete Enemy Balance  

Upload: 14 Apr 2023, 10:35
Created by: Damien3092 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Complete Enemy Balance

Complete Enemy and difficulty Balance

This Mod will increase the Enemys Difficulty Scaling, the Level of aggressiveness of some Enemies. Mongrels are very agressiv . Trolls have 4 different aggressiveness Levels. Lower Enemys Deal more Damage. Changes the Enemy scale completly in Version 1.3.
Adds RNG to Enemies Level. Tipp: if its to Hard, try to play with more tactics. defeat the lower Enemys first. The Max Deviation downwards to the Player is -2 Level

Its not a Tryhard Version i guess.
But i also Made a Tryhard Version, with up to X 30 Enemys and Very Hard Difficulty Settings. How long can you survive? :D IN WORK


Balanced Version 1.3

  • Adjust to difficulty scaling, not extremly Hard
  • Changed Enemy's scale completly
  • Very aggressiv Wolf packs
  • Commanders, Captians and some others have increased aggressiveness 
  • All Enemys Attackspeed increased
  • Trolls have different Levels of aggressiveness 
  • Increased stats of smaller Enemy's
  • Adds RNG to Enemy Level, 

Below Playerlevel 33 (-2 Level to +2 Level Deviation) 
Above Playerlevel 33 (-1 Level to +3 Level Deviation)

  • I would recommend Story or Easy for a Playtrought, Normal and Hard for Advanced Players.
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