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Duel Anyone Anywhere v1.1  

Upload: 18 Jun 2023, 17:14
Created by: YouYouTheBoxx [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Duel Anyone Anywhere v1.1

Do you want to duel a student out of nowhere ? Then this mod is for you. Choose a student and duel him.

There is 10% chance that you'll find an ally so look closely for everyone around you before starting a duel (because you can't opt for an ally after the duel has started)

1. Extract the zip inside Hogwarts Legacy root folder [...]/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Hogwarts Legacy/
2. Install Blueprint_Apparate ModLoader
3. While in-game: Press F8 and then type StudentsCombat
4. Restart the game and enjoy ;)
(The mod use chunk id 130)

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