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Auto-Reveal Unidentified Gear (RE-UE4SS) v0.9  

Upload: 18 Jun 2023, 15:00
Created by: gandalf [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Auto-Reveal Unidentified Gear (RE-UE4SS) v0.9

This mod simply does the gear identification done in the room of requirements, automatically with each item pick-up.

1) If you haven't already, install first "RE-UE4SS"
2) Place "AutoRevealGear" folder inside RE-UE4SS Mods folder:
    like this:  <install directory> \Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\Mods\AutoRevealGear
3) Enjoy.

If you experience crashes or performance drops with RE-UE4SS installed in general, you can do the following steps to alleviate/solve the problem:

1) Go to <install directory> \Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\
2) Open "UE4SS-settings.ini" with a text editor.
3) Scroll down until you find "[Debug]"
4) Set "ConsoleEnabled", "GuiConsoleEnabled" and "GuiConsoleVisible" to "0", like this:
; Whether to enable the external UE4SS debug console.
Console Enabled = 0
GuiConsole Enabled = 0
GuiConsole Visible = 0

5) Save and close.
6) Go to <install directory> \Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\Mods
7) Open "mods.txt" with a text editor and set everything to "0" ( BUT leave BPModLoader to "1" if you have a mod installed that requires it ), like this:
CheatManagerEnablerMod : 0
ActorDumperMod : 0
ConsoleCommandsMod : 0
ConsoleEnablerMod : 0
SplitScreenMod : 0
LineTraceMod : 0
BPModLoaderMod : 0

; Built-in keybinds, do not move up!
Keybinds : 0

8) Save and close, done.

Auto Loot and Interactions 11KB

Auto Loot and Interactions

25 Mar 2023
1 192

Automatically collect chests, loot drops and foragable items such as leaping toadstools, lacewing flies, and ashwinder eggs... Or go even further and enable full automatic interactions!!!

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