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Save File (Skip to Welcome To Hogwarts) - Harry Potter Preset  

Upload: 11 Feb 2023, 18:10
Created by: theeverblack [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Save File (Skip to Welcome To Hogwarts) - Harry Potter Preset

A simple save that starts you in one of the following missions (More coming soon):

  • Welcome To Hogwarts (Hard)

Character name: Harry Potter
House: Gryffindor

Manual installation only
Unpack the file and put contents in C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\SaveGames/(Steam ID)

I'm not responsible for corrupted data, so make sure to back up your save file.

Auto Loot and Interactions 11KB

Auto Loot and Interactions

25 Mar 2023

Automatically collect chests, loot drops and foragable items such as leaping toadstools, lacewing flies, and ashwinder eggs... Or go even further and enable full automatic interactions!!!

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