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Spell Master 5.0  

Upload: 05 Mar 2023, 16:34
Last updated: 17-03-2023, 04:14
Created by: dvcons [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 5.0
Spell Master 5.0

Video (Default):
Video (Alternative):

Once installed the spells are instantly available and can be used and equipped like any other spell.

There are actually more than 10 spells in the game that are theoretically usable but disabled for the player character. Sadly most of them are just copies of exisiting spells.

I simply enabled five of those and tweaked them a little:

  • Pestis Incendium (Default): short-range fire attack, similar to the Incendio Tornados that some enemies use.
  • Pestis Incendium (Alternative): powerful fire attack, with higher range and than default (see video).
  • Diffindo Maxima: basically Diffindo but more powerful. Looks a bit different, more damage and quicker projectile speed.
  • Stupefy: similar to what you get with a protego counter-attack. Breaks shields and does a little damage.
  • Obliviate: wipes the enemies mind. They forget they're in combat for a short duration.
  • Confundo: Confuses and paralyses enemies for a short duration.

Attention: I recommend to disable the mod during the quest Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial.

How to install:

  1. Download either Default Version or Instant Cooldown Version (not both at the same time)
  2. Extract all files to ...\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods
  3. If you're using any other database mods, run Hogwarts Mod Merger and merge zz_spell_master_db_p.pak with them
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  1. AkimboDK
    AkimboDK [Guests]
    21 March 2023 20:41

    Maybe you are the right person to ask, since u have made spells / altering some i guess :)

    i am looking for a mod that makes the delusional charm turn you completely invisible to enemies, so when using that spell, enemies do not detect you nomatter if you cast spells or approach them, i think bringing potions is annoying cus they are timed, and even if you use one of the mods that increases the duration of potions being invisible until it wears off itself is annoying too, should just be able to enter invisible state and disable it when you dont need it :P .. 

    could you make that possible :) ?

    Oh, i also noticed in the beginning of the game, Prof. Fig uses Expulso, the blue blasting curse, but we cant learn it -.- !!! 

    maybe there is a way you can add that since you did add that tornado fire thing haha, would be cool. thanks :P