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Points FX  

Upload: 06 Aug 2023, 16:32
Created by: Urik [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Points FX

This is another particle experiment of mine, this time modifying blood_fx.pcf
It's a bit half arsed and not as refined as my other recent particle mods, but I'm putting it out just to see if anyone likes it.
The primary intention was adding floating xp points like "+10" on certain blood/wound impacts. inspired by old arcade games and that killing floor server plugin if you know.
Of course due to that it's tied to wound impacts, there are misfires / bugs, and I didn't actually fine-tune it yet as far as when and how they appear, the only more or less stable effect is "+10" on 80-90% of headshots.
Seconary addition in this mod is the "speech bubble" style captions that appear above incapacitated survivors.
I didn't know what to put there so just went with some lines that came up.

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