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Meta Patcher 1.1.0  

Upload: 24 May 2023, 19:31
Created by: UndercoverPervert [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Applies a correcting patch to meta files to allow mods to work once again.

If my tools enhance your experience, please consider supporting me with a sponsorship on GitHub Sponsors or a small donation via PayPal, it'll be greatly appreciated.


  • .NET 6
  • BDO Toolkit 1.3.0 Embedded since .NET no longer supports the GAC (Global Assembly Cache).
  • A functional backup of the meta file (that allows you to play the game normally) that the library can detect (created automatically by Meta Injector).


  1. Download the archive anywhere on your computer.
  2. Unzip "Meta Patcher.exe" to your game's "Paz" folder.
  3. Apply your mods with other tools such as Meta Injector.
  4. Run "Meta Patcher.exe", if told the patching was done successfully you should be able to enter the game with mods.
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