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Vulkan renderer for Alan Wake 2  

Upload: 01 Nov 2023, 13:03
Created by: paokkerkir [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Vulkan renderer for Alan Wake 2

Vulkan renderer patch for Alan Wake 2.

May benefit performance with older cards.

Makes the game more playable for cards withouth Mesh shaders. Don't expect miracles.

If you have crash on boot,  disable nVidia Overlay.

AMD Support is hit and miss.

INSTALLATION:\ Extract files to game directory

UNINSTALL: Delete files added from the zip file.

AW 2 - Plus and Extras 1KB

AW 2 - Plus and Extras

01 Nov 2023

Custom FOV, HDR, no depth of field, vignette and lens distortion, disables TAA and the forced sharpness effect, all modular options so you can choose the ones you want.

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