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Skip Intro - Pass Through Comrade  

Upload: 24 Feb 2023, 19:10
Created by: 3anglevision [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 0.0.40
Skip Intro - Pass Through Comrade

How to install
Drag & Drop: Unzip the downloaded files and place them in the following path and replace them: "Atomic Heart\Content\AtomicHeart\Content\Movies"

The "Skip Intro" mod is a game modification that allows players to bypass the introductory sequence of a video game. The mod is designed to save time and provide a more streamlined gaming experience, particularly for those who have played the game before and don't want to sit through the same introductory sequence repeatedly.

The "Skip Intro" mod can be especially useful for games with particularly long or unskippable intro sequences, or for players who want to jump right into the action without delay. It can also be helpful for speedrunners, who rely on quick starts to beat their previous records.

Overall, the "Skip Intro" mod is a useful tool for enhancing the gaming experience for those who want to optimize their time and get straight to the gameplay.
Shotgun of Death (KS-23) 16KB

Shotgun of Death (KS-23)

24 Feb 2023

The current shotgun is weak and puny, so why not upgrade and make the game extremely unfair! (for the robots atleast) Introducing the Shotgun of Death where no matter what stand in your way, will be gone in just a quick sweep of this monstrous beast of a shotgun.

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