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Smaller UI and Transparent Inventory Background  

Upload: 27 Feb 2023, 19:59
Created by: R457 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Smaller UI and Transparent Inventory Background

Scales the UI to 80% of its original size and makes the inventory background 50% transparent (optional).

On PC we're sitting close to the screen, so the UI doesn't need to be that big - the mod scales it down to 80% of the original size. And also makes the inventory background transparent (optional) to keep the player connection with the world.

To install unpack the 7z(s) and copy the pak file(s) to your "[Path To The Library]\Atomic Heart\AtomicHeart\Content\Paks" folder.

To uninstall remove the pak(s) you copied from your "[Path To The Library]\Atomic Heart\AtomicHeart\Content\Paks" folder.

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