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Demi Perv bot v0.92  

Upload: 04 Mar 2023, 18:17
Last updated: 27-03-2023, 15:20
Created by: Skull198 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Demi Perv bot v0.92

Replaces the mustachioed perv bot VOV-A6 with Demi from subverse
In the next few updates I plan on fixing up the weights, a nude version (yes with nipples), then other colors such as green and red.

To Install : Go to Atomic heart\Atomic Heart\AtomicHeart\Content\Paks
this can be done in steam by right clicking the game, manage, then browsing local files.
create a folder here called ~mods then place the .pak inside, remove the pak to uninstall it.


Demi Perv Bot Base

Demi Perv Bot Base Nude

Demi Pervbot Base No Panties

Demi Pervbot Base No Panties with breasts exposed

Graphic tweaks 3KB

Graphic tweaks

04 Mar 2023
1 210

Some options that u can use in game engine to configure graphic. Fixing faded picture. Disable tonemapping. Color rebalance.

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