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Atomic Trainer v0.5  

Upload: 24 Feb 2023, 19:34
Created by: DmgVol [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 0.5
Atomic Trainer v0.5

Early build of the trainer, more features coming soon!

[!]ABOUT DEV MENU: The debug/dev menu was created by the devs and the trainer simply toggles it,
the trainer has no control over the actual dev menu and its functionality.
Don't complain about the dev menu... as it's not part of the actual trainer.


  • Collision and volume visualizer
  • Freecam
  • Dev Menu
  • Save/Load pos
  • Change time dilation
  • Player coordinates and velocity overlay


  • Download and install the BlueprintModLoader.
  • Download the AtomicTrainer zip file and extract it(the pak file) into "...\Atomic Heart\AtomicHeart\Content\Paks\".
  • Launch the game, open the modmenu(F1), type in "AtomicTrainer" and press Enter to confirm.


  • [F2] - Toggle debug camera
  • [Enter] - exit debug camera & tp player
  • [F3] - DMG Visualizer (experimental)
  • [F3 + Shift] - Toggle collision volumes
  • [F4] - Change time dilation
  • [F5] - Save pos
  • [F6] - Load pos
  • [F8] - Visualize trigger volumes
  • [Numpad1] - Toggle Debug Menu (Esc to exit)
  • [H] - Show help (this)

Note: for collision visualization, press F3+Shift and F8
Important note: If you want to use "Toggle volumes", the Shift + F3 volumes:
Add these 2 lines:


into "%localappdata%\AtomicHeart\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini".

Make sure you back up your save file before using this mod, especially the debug menu.
I'm not responsible for any progress loss or/and achievements completions, so keep a backup prior to using it.

Graphic tweaks 3KB

Graphic tweaks

04 Mar 2023
1 082

Some options that u can use in game engine to configure graphic. Fixing faded picture. Disable tonemapping. Color rebalance.

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