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Immersive Tartaglia Delusion Transformations  

Upload: 31 Jul 2023, 13:00
Created by: Wa1rider [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Immersive Tartaglia Delusion Transformations

This mod is trying to make the playable Childe be like the story version. I tried to make it as immersive as possible by enabling to change forms during gameplay.

The Shaders are separated very strictly so they should not pose any problems as of now.

Shader Changes:
- Delusion Effects (Basically everything turned to Electro only when E skill has been cast)
- (Optional: Everything always Electro.)
- Electro Damage Numbers

There are several files you can choose from:
- Version 1: Basically containts whats in the first video, one file indicates that Foul Legacy briefly appears in the burst, the second is that Foul Legacy stays after Burst cast and in the third you only see the Delusion Form.
- Version 2: Contains what's in the second video, shaders and Froms only appear after Burst has been cast. Can choose from Foul Legacy or Regular Delusion.
- Optional: Adds Support to my Scarlet Xiao mod, works with both Versions.
- Optional: Makes shaders always purple regardless of activation, works with both Versions.

To Install:
- Download the desired Version and follow the README.txt inside.

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