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Furrinya - White Lingerie Auto Toggle 

Upload: 02 Dec 2023, 11:47
Created by: Lewd_Lad [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Furrinya - White Lingerie Auto Toggle

Been working hard on this mod for a while. So much fine detail on the texturing, it just takes time to cook! Even so, there's still more tweaking and improvements to make, but this is ok for release.

I've also added cat ears and tails on a whim, after someone else mentioned it - I think it suits Furina's nature a lot and explains her in story character a lot... she's secretly a cat! Cute, narcisstic and kinda airheaded, as the hydro cat archon, she'll purr her way into your hearts, just like the rest of Fontaine!

Like previous mods, this one auto toggles - Ousia strips off the jacket while putting on a crown, while Pneuma throws on the jacket and wings but removes the crown.

Much more Furina (and Furrinyaa!) to come, but enjoy for now! :D

Satsuki Mei Miko 29 MB Exclusive

Satsuki Mei Miko

12 Mar 2024
2 268

With Yae Miko's 4.4 Banner nearly done, we've finally finished the Mei Miko mod! This one nearly didn't make it, but thanks to heroic efforts from the team, we managed to get things out the door after a few speed bumps.

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