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Lumine With A Dress And A Tentacular Friend 

Upload: 02 Dec 2023, 17:34
Created by: Lewd_Lad [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Lumine With A Dress And A Tentacular Friend

A late delivery for Halloween - but still topical and appropriate to this patch... Lumine has been swimming around in Fontaine, and has discovered that it's a good idea to do so with panties.

A new friend has taken up residence in her vagina, and try as she might, it's not coming out! At this point, her brain might've adapted to this new symbiotic relationship, and might act aggressively to ensure this new found friend stays safe within her!

Wiggling, tugging, pushing, pulling, stretching, gaping fun ensues with this mod!

Nude and auto-swimming variants to come.

Sunset Yoimiya

Sunset Yoimiya NSFW

11 Jun 2023
1 143

Replaced her default kimono with a darker night themed open design. Replaced standard clogs and armor for thigh-high socks. Some would say its the paid outfit we never got. :(

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  1. A
    Anonimous [Guests]
    14 March 2024 18:43

    O animal provavelmente não tinha uma casa tão acolhedora antes de entrar na vagina dela mas mesmo a penetração do animal sendo incomoda é benefíca para as duas partes envolvidas Lumine oferece abrigo no interior da sua vagina e o polvo retribui dando estímulos no seu ânus e clitóris ao mesmo tempo♥️