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Raiden Shogun Eternity Perfected 

Upload: 09 Dec 2023, 12:41
Created by: Lewd_Lad [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Raiden Shogun Eternity Perfected

Furina has just left the banners, but not our hearts - but we have another archon coming back to town soon! Raiden Shogun due in the next patch will get a lot of attention when she reruns, but I'm starting early and revamping her - to fulfill a request from a Patron tier member (thus the gape), but also just to get the work done for her base body so that we can hit the ground running for her launch.

The body has been enhanced - stronger body, much larger rounder beautiful boobs! Fewer weird angles! :D

Most importantly, the body texture is based on Shinya's new body texture, but significantly altered to fit Raiden's fit and toned body. As a result, I think this is now the penultimate version of Raiden Shogun - Eternity Perfected.

More to come for Raiden, and will be running a poll soon to help decide which costume to make for her - got some cool stuff coming!

Satsuki Mei Miko 29 MB Exclusive

Satsuki Mei Miko

12 Mar 2024
2 268

With Yae Miko's 4.4 Banner nearly done, we've finally finished the Mei Miko mod! This one nearly didn't make it, but thanks to heroic efforts from the team, we managed to get things out the door after a few speed bumps.

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  1. y
    ytytytytytkkkkkkkkkkk [Guests]
    27 January 2024 07:21
